Recent News & Accomplishments


David Mount has received the award for the best teacher in the University of Maryland's College of Computer, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences (CMPS).  read more
Lise Getoor has been selected as one of 11 finalists, nationally, for a Microsoft Faculty Fellowship.  read more
Jennifer Golbeck has been selected as a DARPA Young Investigator. She has also received the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Graduate Award.  read more
Chiu Yuen Koo , Michael Furr , Fusun Yaman , Julian Mestre , Seungjoon Lee, and Srinivasan Parthasarathy will receive Dean's Fellowship Awards.  read more
Satyandra Gupta , an affiliate professor in our department, will be an invited speaker at the 2005 ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM).  read more
A paper by Vinay Shet , Shiv Naga Prasad , Ahmed Elgammal , Yaser Yacoob , and Larry S. Davis received an honorable mention for the best paper award at the 4th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing.  read more


Atif Memon has received an NSF CAREER award.  read more
Jonathan Katz has received an NSF CAREER award.  read more
Francois Guimbretiere has received an NSF CAREER award.  read more
Marv Zelkowitz has received a Recognition of Service Award from ACM.  read more